The statistics around male fertility haven’t been so encouraging lately. But what’s even worse is the fact that the topic is often overlooked & unspoken about. Around 40-50% of infertility cases are attributed to the ‘male factor’.1 But most of the time the couple isn’t sure of where the problem lies. And thus, a lot of time is wasted doing the guesswork. This is where a semen analysis comes in. This test helps you find the missing pieces of the male fertility puzzle.

Semen analysis is a test where your sperm sample undergoes examination in the lab. And it is evaluated both qualitatively & quantitatively. But how do you pick the right semen analysis test? And what are the parameters that an ideal semen test should analyse? Moreover, how do you even know if you need to take this test? We’ll answer all these questions in this article below. So let’s get started without much ado.

Understanding Male Infertility

When a man ejaculates, semen is released. Semen is a body fluid containing sperm cells & carrier liquid. When sperm cells & a woman’s egg successfully come together, fertilisation occurs. And this is the point from where the pregnancy journey takes off.

Male infertility is diagnosed when a man & his partner are unable to conceive even after one year of regular, unprotected sex.  To rightly diagnose the cause behind male infertility, a semen analysis needs to be performed. The test can identify the potential warning cues quickly if there are any.

That said, let’s move on to understand the test a bit more in detail.

What Is A Semen Analysis?

During a semen analysis, a man’s semen sample is collected for examination under a microscope. The sperm cells’ motility (movement), morphology (shape) and most importantly their count are looked at.

Semen analysis is recommended for men who:

  • Have been trying to have a baby with their partner for at least 12 months without success;


  • Have had a vasectomy and want to know if the procedure has worked and there are no sperms in their ejaculate.

Before going for a semen analysis, ensure to avoid ejaculating. Abstain from sex or masturbation as these may result in inaccurate results.4

Contrary to this, if you’re having a semen analysis after a vasectomy, it’s better if you ejaculate multiple times before the test so that any leftover sperm is passed out. And it’s also advisable to go for the analysis 8 to 12 weeks after the procedure.4

Now, let’s move on to learn how a semen analysis is performed.

How Is Semen Analysis Conducted?

For a semen analysis, you’ll be asked to get into a private room & self-collect your semen sample. Ensure that your hands, penis & the collection container are well sterilised before this step. Next, you’ll be asked to submit the sample to the lab team who further analyse it under the microscope.

The semen analysis generally tests the following parameters:

Semen Parameter Normal Range
Semen Volume 1.5 – 7.6 millilitres
Sperm Density 15 – 259 million per millilitre
Sperm Shape 4 – 48%
Sperm Movement 40 – 81%
Sperm Vitality 54 – 97%
pH 7.2 – 8
WBCs <1 million WBCs per millilitre of semen

For a semen analysis that’s done post-vasectomy (male birth control surgery), the test results may or may not indicate the presence of sperm. In case sperm is detected, the couple needs to practise birth control until an all-clear result.3


Prompt diagnosis & timely intervention can help in dealing with male infertility. So gentlemen, if you’re experiencing any symptoms which could indicate potential infertility, get a sperm analysis done at the earliest. This simple & non-invasive test can tell you a lot about your chances of becoming a dad and the way forward to help you achieve your fatherhood goals.

Consider opting for SpermScore – an at-home sperm testing kit where you can self-collect and ship off your semen sample to a lab for further analysis. This way, you get lab-grade results from the comfort of your home. And the test comprehensively covers 10 sperm health parameters and 14 conditions.

Are you curious to know further? The detailed information is just a click away. Learn more by visiting our website or calling our toll-free number 18002665533.

